Enrol at our School
Welcome to the first stage of enrolling at Warkworth School.
This is a provisional enrolment based on the following information being provided to the school:
A copy of the eligibility document for your child. This can be either:
NZ birth certificate or NZ passport (if NZ citizen)
Australian passport (if Australian citizen) or
NZ residency permit or NZ student visa/permit (if the child is not a NZ citizen).
Proof of your name and address within our enrolment zone e.g., utilities bill, rental/sales agreement.
Immunisation certificate
A copy of any Court Order Documents (if applicable)
We look forward to meeting with you soon.
In New Zealand, most children start school shortly after they turn five. All children must be enrolled at school by their sixth birthday.
Enrolling early helps us to plan for how many children will be attending - ideally we appreciate enrolments by the end of September of the year before your child will first start school. Please contact the office if you would like to arrange a visit to our school.
New entrant students are invited to participate in weekly 'visits' to the class. This allows them to become familiar with the school environment and teachers. Parents are welcome to remain with their child in the class or they may wish to wait in the staffroom. Parents must remain onsite during visits.
Coming for a visit to our school is an opportunity for the school to meet you and your child, learn about your child's interests and learning needs and explain important aspects of Warkworth School. You may also take the opportunity to ask questions relating to the school.
Please note that a school uniform needs to be purchased before a student can start school. Uniform can be purchased through www.argyleonline.co.nz. A selection on try on sizes are available for sizing in the Senior Office. Please see our Uniform page for more details on the required uniform for students.
Why do I need to provide my child’s immunisation record?
Your child can still be enrolled at school with or without immunisations. We request confirmation of your child’s immunisation status in case of an outbreak so that we may determine which children need to be excluded from school until the outbreak is contained to reduce the risk that they contract the illness.